[Beethoven complete]
Michiel Delanghe conductor
Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort piano
Simon Binon trumpet
Programme in Mechelen:
Symphony nr. 7, Coriolan Ouverture & Piano concerto nr. 5 in Es, op. 73 Keizersconcerto – Beethoven
Programme in Tienen:
Trompet concerto – Arutiunian (with soloist Simon Binon)
Piano concerto nr. 5, op. 73 & Symphony nr. 7, op. 92 – Beethoven
Programme in Leuven:
Coriolan Ouverture in c, op. 62, Piano concerto nr. 2 in Bes, op. 19 & Piano concerto nr. 5 in Es, op. 73 Keizersconcerto – Beethoven
For 15 years, the paths of Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort and Casco Phil have been intimately entwined. In addition to a musical partnership, a close friendship developed since 2008 thanks to Ludwig van Beethoven. To celebrate that shared path, we will pull out all the stops in 2023 and make the composer the guest of honour at the birthday party. Throughout the year, he will be at the centre of our collaborations. We perform his Seventh Symphony and his Coriolan Overture with Michiel Delanghe as guest conductor and Liebrecht then joins us for his Third Pianoconcerto. A formidable work that draws you right in from the very first notes, thanks to the lightning-fast effort with which the soloist immediately kicks off. Like a rocket, the piano soars into the sky, only to land again, gurgling and full of vibrating ornamentation, passing the baton to the orchestra.
Created with the support of the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government
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