[CroKant: All go Rhythm]

16.08.2109:30 SOLD-OUTLandcommanderij Alden Biesen, Bilzen
17.08.2109:30 SOLD-OUTLandcommanderij Alden Biesen, Bilzen
18.08.2109:30 SOLD-OUTLandcommanderij Alden Biesen, Bilzen
19.08.2109:30 SOLD-OUTLandcommanderij Alden Biesen, Bilzen
20.08.2109:30 SOLD-OUTLandcommanderij Alden Biesen, Bilzen
Without always realising it, we are surrounded by rhythm. More than that, we consist of rhythm ourselves: think of our breathing, our heartbeat, blinking eyes or swallowing with our throats. Our body creates its own ‘temple of rhythm’.
Join 2 teachers from Musica and 5 musicians from Casco Phil in a 5-day sound adventure, with the beautiful domain of Grand Commandery Alden Biesen as a base of operations. Apart from music, we will also make excursions to other fields such as movement, sound, film and philosophy. We cannot predict the full course of the holiday: we adjust the programme regularly throughout the week, based on what you and the other participants find interesting! You don’t need any previous knowledge, just large portions of creativity and a lot of enthusiasm.
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